critical thinking, younger students, cross-cutting skills, techniques for working on the development of critical thinkingAbstract
The purpose of the article. Analyze the history of the development of critical thinking, find out the essence of the concept and outline and offer effective techniques for working in elementary school from your own experience.
Methodology. The following research methods are applied in the article: the method of studying scientific sources in relation to the historical development of this problem, the essence of the concept of «critical thinking»; method of practical analysis to determine the effective methods of work on the formation of critical thinking. Scientific novelty. The systematization and generalization of the views of scientists regarding the understanding of the concept of «critical thinking» made it possible to determine the essence of this concept and characterize the main methods of working on the development of critical thinking in elementary school. Conclusions. Generalization of the results of the analysis of modern scientific research made it possible to reach a conclusion about the relevance of this problem, thanks to which the traditional process of cognition acquires individuality and becomes conscious, continuous and productive. The main acceptances of the development of critical thinking help to increase students' interest in lessons, to form cross-cutting skills of critical thinking (analyze, observe, formulate your own opinion, argue reasonably to draw conclusions).
The article analyzes the historical development of the problem of critical thinking, from the era of antiquity to the present, considers the views of scientists and their conclusions about the essence of the concept, determines that critical thinking contains mental strategies and high-level operations to formulate reasonable conclusions, decisions and assessments, it is proved that the foundation for the development of critical thinking is primary school, in to which students gradually master the ability to independently learn, think critically, use their knowledge in everyday life, outline the methods of work that increase the motivation of students, create conditions for understanding the material, generalizing the knowledge gained, etc., proposed techniques that the author actively used in his own pedagogical activity in elementary school.
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