non-formal education, grant project, University students, preservice primary school teachers, resourceful written practicesAbstract
Purpose of the article is to describe the opportunities of European grant projects within non-formal education of students at higher education institutions in Ukraine.
Methodology is based on both theoretical (analysis, synthesis abstract thinking, systematisation, generalization) and empirical (pedagogical observation, questionnaires, pedagogical conversation, self-observation, reflection) research methods. The cognition theory, professional development theory, pedagogy of creativity, partnership pedagogy and psychology of resilience create the methodological basis for the scientific issue.
Scientific novelty is that it has been suggested for the first time to use the opportunities of European grant projects within non-formal education of students at higher education institutions in Ukraine.
Conclusions: In scientific research, the concept «non-formal education» has been analysed. The definition to the notion «non-formal education» has been cleared up, its principles and basics have been found out. The types and forms of non-formal education have been systematized. Moreover, the opportunities of European grant projects within non-formal education of students at higher education institutions have been described on the case of the grant project: «Written Resourceful Practices in English for Preservice Primary School Teachers in Times of Uncertainty» within the international project «Developing Democracy Education in Ukraine, Norway and Palestine». The project was designed and implemented by the team of lecturers at T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» Inna Maksak and Maryna Radchenko.
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