


postmodernism in literature, postmodern philosophy, deconstruction, intertextuality, interpretation, carnival practices, interactive methods, educational game


The article proposes a rational separation of two levels of studying foreign literature in high school and at the philological faculty of the university based on the topic «Postmodern Literature». The corresponding distinction is filled with the list OF original sources, the course basic concepts, the degree of material systematization, etc.
The disclosure of specific interactive studying forms that help pupils and students master the postmodern literary discourse of postmodernism in interacti ve forms is a significant place in the article.
The purpose of the research: the authors try to argue the need for a clear division of the material of postmodern world literature into two levels – high school and university level in accordance with the content of the course, its complexity, and consistency. The question of relevance and f the appropriate division criteria is raised.
Methodology. The article offers game technologies for mastering the material of the topic, in which both the methodological foundations of postmodernism and its central concepts are studied at once, as well as the relevant artistic means are defined. The methodology is based on the postmodern methodological practices of intertextuality and deconstruction . The analysis, comparative analysis, and synthesis are also used as the research methods.
Scientific novelty. It is the first attempt to make the fundamental differentiation between the levels of studying the topic «Postmodern Literature» at secondary schools and higher educational establishments based on a coherent criteria system and the usage of the interactive practices specific to each level.
Conclusions. The authors of the article insist on the necessity for a clear distribution of the material according to the levels of its study, not only from the point of view of certain pieces of literature, its size, but also from the point of view of concepts, guiding principles, and material systematization. The authors distinguish the university version from the high school level by more complex tasks related to various interpretations of works, the cross-species intertext usage, philosophical discourse, and cultural analysis of certain scientific research. As for the school curriculum, it is suggested to focus more on the postmodern game technologies as a style of artistic thinking and to significantly simplification the theoretical level of its analysis. According to the authors, this corresponds to the modern task of secondary school students relieving, especially 11th-grade students, and coordinating the educational material with the age capabilities of the children and the level of their social maturity and cultural competence.

Author Biographies

Lesia Pikun, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

PhD in Philology
Associated Professor
of the Department of Germanic Philology
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

Tetiana Cherednyk, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

PhD in Philology
Associated Professor
of the Department of Germanic Philology
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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