organizational and pedagogical conditions, institutions of extracurricular education, parents, students of education, problem-based learningAbstract
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the organizational and methodological conditions for the training of teachers of out-of-school education institutions for interaction with parents.
Methodology. During the substantiation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the training of teachers of out-of-school education institutions for interaction with parents, a number of research methods were applied, in particular: analysis of the regulatory and legal framework that regulates reformation processes in the educational field today, and scientific literature on the research problem; comparative – to study the views of different scientists on the problem raised; systematization and generalization – for formulating conclusions.
The scientific study provided for an optimal combination of the provisions of several methodological approaches, in particular: competency-based as the basis for reforming the educational sector at the current stage; activity, which involves the training of teachers of out-of-school education institutions to work with parents in a series of active ac tivities; axiological to determine the peculiarities of the formation of value and worldview guidelines of teachers of extracurricular education institutions for working with parents.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the training of teachers of out-of-school education institutions to interact with parents to implement the requirements of the «New Ukrainian School» Concept were defined and described.
Conclusions. In the process of research, organizational and methodological conditions were determined as a component of the pedagogical system, which should ensure the effectiveness of training teachers to interact with parents within the framework of extra-curricular education institutions, in particular: positive motivational instruction of the teacher to work with parents within the framework of the extra-school education institution; introduction of forms of problem-based learning for activation of knowledge and formation of professional skills of teachers; the use of interdisciplinary connections in the process of training teachers to interact with parents within extracurricular education institutions; application of modern information technologies for teaching teachers of extracurricular education institutions the means of autonomous solution of professionally oriented tasks.
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