



future teachers of music and choreography, professional training, information technologies


The article highlights the issues of modernization of professional training of future teachers of art disciplines based on the use of modern information technologies. An analysis of the main studies and publications on this issue is presented, the positive impact of computer technologies on the organization and content of professional training of future art teachers in modern conditions is revealed. The classification of information technologies in the educational process of pedagogical universities is presented.
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the use of modern information technologies in the process of professional training of future music and choreography teachers.
Methodology. The research methodology is based on the ideas of cultural and competence approaches. The following research methods were used in the article: study and analysis of scientific sources; pedagogical observations; generalization of pedagogical experience; modeling and forecasting of innovative trends in the modernization of professional training of future teachers of music and choreography.
The scientific novelty of the work consists in identifying specific features of the use of computer technologies in the process of professional training of future teachers of music and choreography. For the first time, ways of optimizing the professional training of future music and choreography teachers by means of modern information technologies were investigated.
Conclusions. The modern information technologies open up new opportunities for knowledge of art, activation of students' independent work, introduction of new forms and methods of professional training of future teachers of music and choreography. The use of modern information technologies in the conditions of distance learning contributes to the interactivity of the educational process and ensures the high efficiency of the training of future teachers of art disciplines.
We see the prospects for further scientific research in the development of methodical support for the organization and conducting remote forms of teaching artistic disciplines, taking into account the emotional component of musical and choreographic training.

Author Biography

L. Pankiv, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Doctor of Pedagogic Sciencec, PhD in Pedagogy,
Professor of Art Department,
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University,
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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