technology of debriefing, teaching foreign language, model of organization of teaching, English, foreign language communicative competence, studentsAbstract
The aim of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of using technology of debriefing in teaching foreign language. This purpose involves solving the following research tasks as to clarify the essence of the technology of debriefing in teaching a foreign language (the concept of «debriefing», the purpose, functions, general structural elements involved in the process of debriefing); to identify the stages of teaching debriefing; to propose a model of teaching debriefing in teaching students foreign language oral and written communication.
Methodology of the article. The achievement of the purpose and solution of the tasks was facilitated by using such research methods as analysis and comparison of psychological, pedagogical and methodological scientific sources to determine the state of development of the problem of using technology of debriefing in teaching foreign language; synthesis, generalization and systematization for the formation of foreign language competence using technology of debriefing; modeling to build a model of organization of teaching foreign language communication using debriefing technology.
The scientific novelty. In the article the model of using technology of debriefing in teaching foreign language has first been worked out, then further development is the structural elements in debriefing while teaching foreign language has been pointed out.
Conclusions. It is determined that using technology of debriefing helps to reduce individual and group tension in foreign language classes, strengthens group support and helps students in difficult conditions, especially now while they are in Ukraine in this war period. The article analyzes scientific research on the problem of using debriefing in the classroom in our country and abroad. It is emphasized that despite significant research on the technology of debriefing, the problem of teaching students to the phenomenon «debrief» in teaching foreign language remains outside the attention of scientists in both theoretical and methodological aspects, which negatively affects the quality of students' professional training and their further activities after then. As a result of the study, the technology of debriefing is defined the following: the meaning of «debriefing», the purpose and functions of debriefing in teaching foreign language, general structural elements involved in the process of debriefing. The stages of training in debriefing are highlighted. The model of teaching debriefing in a foreign language is proposed.
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