safe online environment, safe online interaction, cyberbullying, British Council resources, LearnEnglish Teens website, English-language communicative situations, media competenceAbstract
Relevance. The relevance of the problem is due to the safety principle observance as a priority principle of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) that involves physical and virtual safety of each participant of the educational process. The research analyses the scientific achievements in the context of the information and communication technologies implementation into the English-language teaching (EFL) educational process and the formation of teachers’ and students’ media competence.
Aim. The purpose of the research is to present the author’s selection of the educational materials provided by the resources of the British Council on the safe behaviour of basic secondary education students in the virtual environment, safe interaction and prevention of cyberbullying (receptive comprehension). The purpose of the publication is to provide methodological recommendations to EFL teachers on the effective use of the English-language communicative situations that are realised based on the proposed materials and modern communication technologies.
Methodology. The research methodology is based on a critical analysis of the theoretical works and is empirically proven by the needs of EFL teachers.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is that the author has selected, analysed and structured the learning materials on the LearnEnglish Teens website, which, along with the formation of the English-language communicative competence, contribute to the formation of safe behaviour in the virtual environment and the prevention of cyberbullying skills.
Conclusions. The author concludes that the implementation of the selected teaching materials in the educational process will be more effective if the proposed English-language communicative situations and communication technologies are used. The prospect of the study is the theoretical substantiation and practical development of the ELT framework of exercises and tasks aimed at forming and developing skills and abilities of primary and secondary basic education students to behave safely in the Internet space and prevent cyberbullying.
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