teachers’ training, autonomy, autonomous learning, the international educational projectsAbstract
Annotation. The article is of empirical character, because it is dedicated to analysis of the International Educational Project «Pre-Service English Teacher Methodology Program for Pedagogical University» realization by the team of lecturers from T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium». Among the crucial priorities/ objectives and tasks there was the participation in the international projects, directed to the studying of actual approaches in training of foreign languages’ teachers and description of ways of increasing autonomy in learning the English language.
The objective of this article is elucidation of the research process of the international projects’ role in consolidation of lecturers and scientists’ efforts, analysis of autonomy issues in future teachers’ training and factors which facilitate its development.
Research methodology is analysis and comparison of research objects.
Scientific novelty is in the fact that it was for the first time analysed and theoretically described the experience of creation and implementation of educational materials for autonomous learning in the frames of the International Educational Project «Pre-Service English Teacher Methodology Program for Pedagogical University» realization by the team of lecturers from T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium».
Conclusion. In the article researchers reach the conclusion that participation in international projects is a uniting and essential factor in the development of pedagogical and methodological thought and it encourages the autonomy in teachers’ training, as well it may lead to increasing the level of their professional competence formation due to development of their responsibility for independently formulated and understood tasks, which, in its turn, will facilitate increase in confidence and satisfaction with the results of their work. At the end of the article the directions of further research are outlined.
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