reflection, reflective skills, foreign language strategic competence, future primary school teachers, bachelorsAbstract
The article is devoted to highlighting the problem of reflection of future primary school teachers in the process of forming English-language strategic competence in reading. The advantages of using reflection for the formation of foreign language strategic competence of future primary school teachers are described, and exercises for appropriate training are developed and provided.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the problem of reflection of future primary school teachers in the process of forming English-language strategic competence in reading.
The methodological basis of the article is psychological, pedagogical and methodical theories and provisions that reveal conceptual approaches to the researched issues.
The scientific novelty consists in determining the advantages of using the reflection of future primary school teachers in the process of forming English-language strategic competence in reading and developing exercises for appropriate learning.
Conclusions. Thus, the construction of an appropriate reflective environment in the process of forming future primary school teachers' English-language strategic competence is an important factor in the student's personal and professional development and the formation of his readiness for self-organization in professional activities. Reflective skills are formed under the condition of a systematic reflective analysis of the activity being carried out and one's own personality as the subject of this activity. Only systematic work and cyclical organization of the educational process for the development of reflection in the process of forming future primary school teachers' English-language strategic competence ensures an effective and long-lasting result.
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