prospective university EFL teachers, practical language training, undergraduates, ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, professionally oriented English communicative competenceAbstract
The results of theoretical and practical research on the appropriateness of using AI chatbots in the educational process in general and in the practical language training of prospective university EFL teachers in particular are presented. The features of the ChatGPT (henceforth GPT), its functioning and advantages in the educational process are characterized. The ways of implementing this tool in teaching EFL to students of the (second) master level of higher education are outlined. It is stated that in the light of the personal-activity approach, the use of the GPT allows organizing training on the principle of gradual growth of autonomy, development of reflexivity and creativity of undergraduates up to the design of an individual learning trajectory for each student.The practical part of the study consists of examples of exercises for working with the GPT, including mind mapping, Socratic communication and active reminder questions. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of using GPT in the process of practical language training of prospective EFL teachers. Methodology. A complex of interrelated theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific publications from Scopus and Web of Science databases, Internet resources, generalization of pedagogical experience were used. These research methods are based on the ideas of the competence approach. The scientific novelty is to identify the peculiarities of using GPT in the process of forming professionally oriented communicative competence of prospective university EFL teachers in the context of blended / distance / independent learning. Conclusions. СhatGPT opens up new opportunities for enhancing the interactivity of the educational process in the context of blended/distance/self-directed learning, enriching the language material, introducing new forms and methods of professional training of future EFL teachers at the university level. However, to preserve the integrity of modern higher education and not to sacrifice the rigor required to deliver its quality, GPT is supposed to complement the teaching experience, where the higher education teacher controls the necessary amount of time for meaningful interaction with students.
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