
  • Iryna Miroshnyk Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Languages and Teaching Methods, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)



foreign language professional training, the second (Master’s) level of higher education, preservice primary school teachers, «soft skills»


The purpose of the article is to develop and substantiate the classification of «soft skills» in the foreign language professional training of the applicants for the second (Master’s) level of higher education of the 013 Primary education specialty on the basis of a competency approach.
Methodology. The theoretical methods (analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization of information) have been used in the study.
Scientific novelty. The concepts of «hard skills» and «soft skills» have been clearly distinguished; the classification of «soft skills», which should be formed in preservice primary school teachers in the process of their foreign language professional training on the basis of a competency approach have been developed and grounded.
Conclusions. The preservice primary school teachers’ foreign language professional training should be carried out on the basis of the appropriate classification of «soft skills».
In turn, «soft skills» formation should take place on the basis of the competencies (integrated, general and professional) prescribed by the educational and professional 013 Primary education syllabus of the second (Master’s) level of higher education;
«hard skills» and «soft skills» formation should be holistic and integrated when studying both the disciplines of the normative cycle and disciplines of the students’ free choice;
the preservice primary school teachers’ «soft skills» formation during their foreign language professional training should be based on the specially worked out sets of the tasks;
the preservice primary school teachers’ «soft skills» formation should take place in accordance with the school concept, meet the requirements of the New Ukrainian school;
«soft skills» formation should be based on the principle of the student-centeredness, which will enable the applicants for higher education to fully reveal their personal effectiveness skills, communication skills, management skills, strategic skills and skills of effective information management;
«soft skills» formation should take place under the condition of providing the possibility of the mutual assessment and reflexive self-assessment of the level of the «soft skills» formation by the applicants’ for the Master’s degree on the 013 Primary education specialty during their foreign language training.


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