

children with special educational needs, inclusive education, inclusive educational environment, psychological climate, mental health, preserving of health, child’s establishment of making healthy and rest


Article's purpose – the theoretical analysis of the problem of formation of positive psycholo-gical climate and preservation of mental health of children in the inclusive educational environment.
Methodology. As a result of the analysis of scientific literature the article highlights problems of formation of positive psychological climate in the inclusive educational environment. It has been proved that the psychological climate in the children's environment influences child's mental health.
Scientific novelty. A positive psychological climate in the inclusive educational environment is considered as a condition of preserving the mental health of children. Inclusive educational environment is a set of conditions, methods and means of their implementation for joint education, upbringing and development of children taking into account their needs and opportunities. Psychological climate is an emotional coloring of psychological ties of members of the collective, which arises on the basis of their proximity, sympathy, match characters, interests, inclinations. An important component of a positive psychological climate in the inclusive educational environment, which allows to preserve the mental health of children, is the formation of a tolerant attitude towards children with special educational needs.
Conclusions. The positive psychological climate in inclusive educational environment contributes to the preservation of the mental health of children. An important component of a positive psychological climate in the inclusive educational environment is the formation of a tolerant attitude towards children with special educational needs. For this purpose teachers of preschool and secondary education are required to carry out special educational work (consultations, interviews, trainings or other forms of work) among all pupils and their parents regarding understanding of essence and importance of inclusive education, preventing discrimination of children's rights to education and forming tolerance towards children with special educational needs.

Author Biography

M. Orlova, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Postgraduate student of the Social Work and
Educational and Pedagogical Sciences Department,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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