artistic communication, artistic interaction, artistic image, interpretation, methodical culture, methodical preparationAbstract
Article’s purpose is to reveal effective ways of methodical activity of future teachers-musicians in the field of artistic communication.
Methodology. The main provisions of the article are based on the principles of artistic and communicative approach and scientific methods of working with texts (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction).
Scientific novelty. Methodical training of future music teachers is considered in the context of communication between participants in the pedagogical process. The author defines external and internal factors of artistic communication; clarifies the meaning of the categories «artistic communication», «artistic image», «interpretation», «empathy», «catharsis»; analyzes the communicative and methodical vector of professional training.
The author offers an algorithm for the exchange of artistic in formation and artistic meanings, considers active methods of work (heuristic question, music-creative task) to activate students' musical thinking and artistic actions.
Conclusions. The study of the problem of artistic communication is one of the leading ones in art pedagogy. Its importance is confirmed by various types and forms of musical communication. A teacher-musician must develop the following important personal characteristics: sensitivity, the ability to create an artistic image, to feel the depth of musical thought, to see the values of another person, to be tolerant. External factors of artistic communication (artistic image, musical interpretation) and its internal factors (empathy, catharsis) in a harmonious combination ensure entry into the artistic environment, guarantee the success of musical activities with students. The goal of artistic communication is the effective development of a creative personality, successful artistic and pedagogical activity.
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