information technologies, platform, thematic tests, diagnostics of knowledge acquisition level, individual educational trajectoryAbstract
The article substantiates the need to improve the quality of mathematical training of students of economic profile of institutions of professional higher education. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it is determined that the use of modern information and pedagogical technologies allows to improve the level of knowledge in mathematics. The possibilities of the Classtime resource for automation of creating thematic test tasks process, assessment and diagnosis of the level of knowledge acquisition of students, analysis and correction of educational progress of all students of the academic group and each of them in particular are considered. It is noted that the test results can be used as a basis for choosing individual and group forms of educational activities. The advantages of using the Classtime platform in the educational process for teachers and students are highlighted.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the possibilities and benefits of using the Classtime Internet resource in the educational process to increase the level of knowledge in mathematics of economic education students of professional higher education institutions.
The research methodology is based on using the traditional research methods – analysis, synthesis and generalization – in order to study the state and level of development of the problem of improving the quality of mathematical training of economic students of professional higher education institutions and formulating conclusions on the effectiveness of Classtime.
Scientific novelty. Substantiation of methodical bases of creation of thematic tests for construction the individual educational trajectories of students in the process of mathematical preparation by means of Classtime service.
Conclusions. Using the Classtime platform allows the teacher to significantly reduce the time spent on creating and testing tasks; focus more on building individual educational trajectories of students in the process of studying mathematics; effectively plan work to address gaps in the knowledge of students on a particular topic. Thus, the use of information technology helps to improve the quality of mathematical training of students of professional higher education. Prospects for further research are seen in the improvement of methodological and didactic support for the use of modern information resources in the study of mathematics.
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