


inclusive education, future teacher-philologist, institutions of higher education, children with special educational needs, educational component


The purpose of the article is to characterize the peculiarities of professional training of the future teacher-philologist to work in an inclusive educational environment, to determine the main directions of its improvement.
Methodology. To ensure the reliability and objectivity of the research results, a number of methods were used, in particular: analysis of the regulatory and legal framework that regulates the functioning of inclusive education at the current stage, and scientific literature on the research problem; comparative – to study the views of different scientists on the problem raised; systematization and generalization – for formulating conclusions; observation of the educational process in institutions of higher education that carry out professional training of teachers – to characterize urgent problems and determine the prospects for overcoming them.
The scientific research is based on a combination of provisions of several methodological approaches, in particular: personally oriented with the aim of forming in the future teacher-philologist the ability to take into account the peculiarities of the psychophysiological development of children with special educational needs and to choose methodological tools for working with them; competence as fundamental for reforming the educational sector at the current stage for the formation of competencies that are included in the profile of a teacher of inclusive education, and therefore are important for all teachers working in conditions of inclusion; activity, which involves the preparation of future teacher-philologist to work in the conditions of inclusion by involving them in active activities within the limits of practical classes and passing pedagogical practice; axiological for the formation of the value-worldview sphere of future teacher-philologist.
The scientific novelty consists in the formulation of practical recommendations for the professional training of future teacher-philologist to work in conditions of inclusion in general secondary education institutions.
Conclusions. The analysis of the legislative framework and the educational process in institutions of higher education that train future teacher-philologist gave reasons to state that they are not sufficiently prepared to work in the conditions of inclusion, have an insufficient level of development of competencies that are included in the profile of a teacher of inclusive education, and feel a lack of knowledge regarding work with separate categories of students with special educational needs. As a result, the main ways of improving professional training of future teachers-philologists for work in an inclusive educational environment were determined: systematic updating of the content of normative educational components, expanding the list of selective educational components, strengthening the practical component of professional training of future teachers-philologists, involving them in informal education through online courses, participation in research activities.

Author Biographies

Tеtiana Stechenko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Foreign Philology and Educational Technologies,
Dean of Philological Faculty,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

Olena Tiutiunnyk, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Foreign Philology and Educational Technologies,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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