


tutor, tutee, students, communication skills, higher education institution


The article is devoted to the problems of the development of tutoring in the conditions of the university. Approaches to understanding the concepts of «tutor» and «tutee» are analyzed. The functions of tutors, the criteria for selecting tutors for work with first-year students are defined. Two levels of interaction between tutors and tutee are proposed. The key competence of tutors is determined – communication skills.
The purpose of the article is to analyze scientific approaches to understanding the concept of «tutoring», the current state of development of tutoring in Ukraine, as well as to investigate the importance of the tutor's communication skills as an important component of their competencies in the conditions of the university.
Methodology. The research used such general scientific methods as the analysis of the problem of determining important component competencies of tutors in pedagogical science; systematization of scientific knowledge on the problems of the development of the tutoring institute in the conditions of higher education institutions; generalization of theoretical and methodical approaches to the problem of formation of communication skills among tutors.
Scientific novelty. A new approach to functional duties, selection criteria and functional roles of tutors in working with students is proposed. Two levels of interaction between tutors and first-year students are defined: individual and group.
Conclusions. For better adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study in institutions of higher education under modern conditions, it is necessary to introduce such a form of extracurricular work with students as tutoring. Tutors can provide support and assistance at two levels: group and individual. Tutors can be senior students with good communication skills. To form the necessary skills and abilities of tutors, it is necessary to create schools of tutoring skills or tutoring centers in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Further research is needed to experimentally check the effectiveness of the scheme of interaction between tutors and tutee, as well as to study the peculiarities of the formation of the necessary competences of tutors in the conditions of the university.

Author Biography

Tetiana Detsiuk, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University

Researcher ID J-2729-2016
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work,
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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