

competence, professional competence, competence approach, managerial competence of a head of a general secondary educational institution


The article deals with the issue of actualization of the problem of providing general secondary educational institutions with managers who will have professional competencies of a new level and ensure effective management of educational processes in terms of creating a modern model of the «New Ukrainian School». The concepts of «competence» and «professional competence» are analyzed and theoretical aspects of professional development of managerial staff are considered, by improving managerial competence, through mastering new knowledge, skills and practical techniques. The own vision of the concept of «managerial competence of a head of a general secondary educational institution» is formulated and the directions of professional development of managerial pedagogical staff are offered.
The aim of the article is to reveal the characteristic features of improving the managerial competencies of a head of a general secondary educational institution.
Methodology – theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific literature sources and regulatory and legal documents on professional development of pedagogical staff; study and research of scientific and pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical experience on the formation of professional competencies of the heads of educational institutions.
The scientific novelty. The characteristic features of the formation of the content of pro-fessional training of the heads of the general secondary educational institutions on the basis of the competence approach are shown. The directions of improvement of professional competences of the heads of such establishments during their professional study for administrative activity are offered.
Conclusions. As a result of the research it was found that in the process of reforming general secondary education and building a model of «New Ukrainian School», the issue of quality support of educational institutions with managerial personnel capable of successfully and effectively perform the management functions in global change. Postgraduate education of heads of general secondary educational institutions becomes the basis for providing training and retraining of existing and future managerial staff.

Author Biography

Ya. Vyshnevska, Municipal Higher Educational Institution «Kherson Academy of Continuing Education» of Kherson Regional Council

Ph.D. student at the Pedagogics and Educational Management Department,
Municipal Higher Educational Institution
«Kherson Academy of Continuing Education» of Kherson Regional Council
(Kherson, Ukraine)


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