pedagogical testing, students of higher education, educational achievements, test taskAbstract
The article highlights the aspects of the current state of the domestic system of higher education, which oblige teachers to look for new approaches to the assessment of educational achievements of students of higher education. It has been proven that pedagogical testing is a mandatory component and occupies an important place in the structure of teaching activities. It was determined that computer systems of pedagogical testing enable students of higher education of various specialties to independently assess the level of their knowledge, and teachers to systematize and simplify the process of assessing the quality of knowledge of students.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical foundations of pedagogical test control in domestic institutions of higher education.
The research methodology is based on modern provisions of pedagogical science and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the theoretical foundations of pedagogical test control in domestic institutions of higher education.
Scientific novelty: it has been proven that pedagogical testing as a form of control makes it possible to effectively organize the process of monitoring the success of students of higher education in various specialties.
Conclusions. 1. The scientific-theoretical justification of pedagogical testing allows you to obtain unbiased knowledge about the level of educational achievements of students of higher education, and therefore, to establish the quality of training and the quality of education of a future specialist. 2. A test task is a structural unit of a pedagogical test that contains part of the educational material and is separated from the entire array of educational content on the basis of a certain content and logical independence. 3. The main stages of pedagogical testing are: test preparation; organization and testing; post-test work. 4. Testing as a form of control makes it possible to effectively organize the process of monitoring the success of students of higher education in various specialties and thus provides conditions for improving the quality of control and assimilation of educational material from educational components.
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