


children with special educational needs, adaptation, coaching, methods of art therapy


Purpose of the article: Theoretically substantiate the features of adaptation of children with special educational needs to the conditions of the educational and rehabilitation center with the help of coaching and art therapy methods.
Methodology: The methodological basis for the adaptation of children with special educational needs to the conditions of the educational environment is indicated in the works: O. Babyak, O. Robot, V. Zasenko, I. Zvereva, A. Kolosova, A. Kolupaeva, A. Kononko, L. Prokhorenko, Yu. Chernetskaya. The peculiarities of adaptation of children with special educational needs in the conditions of the educational and rehabilitation center are described in scientific publications by V. Bondar, N. Kolodnaya, K. Reid. Among the Ukrainian scientists who studied the problems of coaching as an effective technology of professional and personal development, we can distinguish P. Bezruchko, T. Borova, G. Elnikova, N. Zyryanova, V. Radkevich, O. Rybina, I. Rybkina, S. Simodeyko, S. Khamaganov, A. Tsybin. Many theoretical scientists and practitioners (G. Batishcheva, O. Voznesenskaya, N. Volkova, V. Gazolishin, N. Eschenko, O. Pilipenko, N. Polyakova, N. Prostakova, O. Pinchuk, A. Chuprikov, T. Yatsenko and others) are exploring the impact of art therapy on children. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the features of adaptation of children with special educational needs to the conditions of the educational and rehabilitation center with the help of coaching and art therapy methods are analyzed.
Conclusions: For the successful adaptation of children with special educational needs into the educational environment in the conditions of the training and rehabilitation center, not only specific educational conditions are needed, and the coordinated work of the team, which includes the competent staff of teachers and medical staff, who will be able to identify educational needs individually for each student and adapt curricula to them using coaching methods and modern methods of psychotherapy.

Author Biography

Oksana Platonova, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Social Work and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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