


education, socio-political development, socio-cultural conditions


The purpose of the article is to characterize the peculiarities of the formation and development of the educational space in the context of social, political and socio-cultural processes that took place in Ukrainian lands during the 18th century.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is historical (comparative, generalization) and sociological (structural analysis) methods. The use of a systemic approach will contribute to the consideration of processes in the educational sphere as a system of interrelated components. In addition, the key methods of this research are the analysis of pedagogical, historical-pedagogical and historical-philosophical articles and monographs.
The scientific novelty consists in conducting a comprehensive study of the process of formation of educational space, determining the role of the state and local communities in the creation of educational institutions, researching educational practices and the role of teachers in the functioning of the education system, characterizing the special significance of the process of university education development in Ukrainian lands in this period, and expanding ideas about socio-cultural processes on the territory of Ukraine in the 18th century.
Conclusions. The period of the XVIII century is a time of important transformations in many spheres of life in Ukrainian lands. These changes also concerned the educational space. The scholastic Jesuit model was replaced by a modern secular model with the goals and needs of a new era. Formation of secular education in Ukrainian lands is a long and controversial process. It took place in the context of major socio-political changes throughout Central and Eastern Europe.
A feature of the schools of the second half of the 17th – 18th centuries was that each of their varieties constituted only one of the stages of education. There is a lack of continuity from one type of school to another. They did not constitute a single system of education, practically each type existed separately. They did not have curricula and programs in their modern sense. The content of academic disciplines was determined by those books and textbooks that students had to learn in a certain sequence.
The impetus for changes in the educational sphere in Ukraine in the 18th century. the formation of the system of professional education began. This was connected both with the practical needs of the socio-political and economic life of the Cossack Hetmanate and, to a large extent, to Ukraine's entry into other states.
In addition, one of the noticeable trends in the development of education was the emergence of a number of projects related to the establishment of new educational institutions – universities in Ukraine and the transformation of already existing institutions into universities. This was due to the growing need for specialists with higher secular education in society.
In the 18th century a powerful factor in the formation of a single communicative space of culture on Ukrainian lands became the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, which, in addition, remained the center of Ukrainian spirituality, the center of the formation of the Ukrainian intelligentsia and the corresponding cultural environment, in which there was a constant exchange of thoughts, books, and artistic achievements. This educational institution reflected and accelerated the reorientation towards scientific, rational knowledge of reality, expanded the horizons of secular culture.
In addition, a major shift at the end of the 18th century. came the appearance of women's secular education: the first private institutions and the spread of home education were complemented by the admission of girls to study in schools. However, this was only the initial stage, the woman had no chance to realize herself in the public sphere.
During the 18th century the educational space in the Ukrainian lands has undergone drastic changes. The contradictions laid down during the emergence of secular education were reflected in many spheres of life and in the peculiarities of the formation of charitable organizations, scientific institutions and emancipation movements, which continued their development in later times.

Author Biography

Iryna Solomakha, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
(Ph.D. in Philosophy), Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Law,
Philosophy and Political Science,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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