

P. Lesgaft, physical education, system of physical education, physical education teachers, gymnastics


New state programs and vectors for reforming the education system require the modernization of the existing system of training future teachers, which is completely ineffective without considering the productive experience of past generations, and productivity is not constant and unambiguous; it is transforming, changing and correlating with the waves of time in which certain coincidences of political, economic, social, etc. situations.
The purpose – updating of historical and pedagogical experience and its relaying to the modern practice of training physical education teachers.
The methodological basis is the principles of unity of the historical and logical, the continuity, the connection of theory and practice, the principle of development, and active personality.
Scientific novelty: The author partly updated the P. Lesgaft’s experience for the training of teachers of physical education with an emphasis on certain conditions under which this training will be effective, in particular: preliminary training of students, the desire to study, the desire to work in a specialty, awareness of the importance and necessity of general and special training.
The training of physical education specialists was to train an educated and conscious teacher who is able to independently organize their own activities, guided not so much by instructions as by demonstrating freedom of actions and decisions.
Conclusions. The actualization of historical and pedagogical experience and its retransmission to the modern practice of physical education teachers’ training (coaches, instructors, etc.) provides opportunities for modern teachers to avoid the contradictions outlined at the beginning of our scientific research. It is emphasized that the actualized experience will help to overcome the contradictions and contradictions that currently exist in the current system of training physical education teachers. There is no need to worry that «everything has already been read, described and clarified». The rapidity of time and new governmenalt programs and vectors for reforming the education system require the modernization of the existing system of future teachers’ training, which is completely inefficient without taking into account the productive experience of past generations, and productivity is not a permanent and unambiguous phenomenon, it is transformed, changed and correlated over time (80-100 years), during which there are certain coincidences of political, economic, social and other situations.

Author Biography

N. Terentieva, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogic sciences, Professor,
Professor of Pedagogics, Psychology and Methodic of Physical Education Department,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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