

Borys Grinchenko, Ukrainian book, education, teaching, self-made educational books


The content of the article is to reveal B. Grinchenko's views on the importance of Ukrainian-language books in the education of the population in the sub-Russian lands of Ukraine (the last of the ХІХ century to the beginning of the ХХ century) and his contribution to the preparation, publication and promotion of accessible educational literature for children and adults.
The article's purpose is to reveal Borys Grinchenko's views on the role and functions of nationally oriented books in the education of Ukrainians in the education system in the Russian Empire (the last third of the XIX century – the first decade of the XX century).
Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is the search and bibliographic method of studying published and archival sources, the personalistic-biographical method, the historical-retrospective method, the hermeneutic approach to the study of texts.
The research is scientifically novel as it first explores the importance of educational activities and the influence of B. Grinchenko as one of the best promoters of cultural, literary, historical achievements of Ukraine on the formation and development of Ukrainian books in the last of the ХІХ century to the beginning of the ХХ century.
Conclusions. Borys Grinchenko considered the book as a treasure trove of wisdom, a powerful tool for education and personality development, the most important source for learning and self-education, and emphasised that the book has a unique influence on personal, civic and spiritual development, promotes interest and respect for knowledge. and reading «Ukrainian books» teaches a person to think and learn the native language.
Self-made educational books, which were intended for daughter Nastya and peasant children, became not only the property of the educational movement, but also a contribution to the development of Ukrainian pedagogy of primary education.
In the educational system of the Russian Empire (last third of the XIX century – first decade of the XX century) in the education of Ukrainians nationally oriented book performed the following functions: promoted the knowledge of ordinary Ukrainians, destroyed superstitions, formed the image of «I am Ukrainian» (self-identification), raised the level education of working people, reduced the division between the working people and the intelligentsia, as well as between the «peasant» language and «gentleman's», and the main function of the book Borys Hrinchenko considered the involvement of people in reading, and therefore – in intellectual development.

Author Biography

О. Kolyadenko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Ph.D. student of Chair of Theory and History of Pedagogy
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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