

bullying, mobbing, conflict behavior, victims of school violence, preventive work


The article aim is to identify and categorize the causes of bullying, determine the directions of preventive work to identify and prevent school bullying, taking into account the causes of its occurrence. The methodology of the study is based on the ideas of a strategic-conflict approach, which provides the definition of a clear strategy for each individual personality to resolve conflicts and counteract bullying. The scientific novelty of the research is to classify the causes of bullying (external, internal objective and internal subjective), to identify the main directions of preventive (social-pedagogical and corrective work with victims of school violence, with the team, engaging with the parent program, introducing training for teachers and staff at educational institutions, etc.) The findings of the study indicate that bullying is a complex phenomenon that occurs in children's collectives and is characterized by the oppression of the individual by the bullies to show their dominance. Bulling adversely affects all participants in the educational process, leads to impaired health of students (deteriorates memory and attention; depression and general fatigue; night terrors and disorders of the stomach, frequent breathing and palpitations, pain and general weakness, body tremors), has long-lasting effects on the person affected by bulling. Bulling has certain age and gender characteristics, physical and psychological forms. This problem requires the development of a system of preventive measures to overcome this negative social and psychological-pedagogical phenomenon. Most school bullying prevention programs indicate the need to respond quickly to incidents of school bullying, coordinated work by educators and the family to prevent it. Preventive work to school bullying can be undertaken in different directions, taking into account the causes of its occurrence.

Author Biography

G. Polishchuk, Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of English language and its teaching methods,
Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University
named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko
(Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine)


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