

training rehabilitation center, inclusive education, rehabilitation, correctional and development work, educational activity


The article summarizes the process of organizing the activity of training rehabilitation centers in Ukraine. The general organization of activity of training rehabilitation centers and their structure is characterized. On the basis of the analysis of the received data the necessity of studying the organization of educational process of the centers is actualized. It is emphasized that it is especially important to carry out corrective and developmental work and to provide rehabilitation services to students with special educational needs.
The purpose is to theoretically analyze the process of organizing the activities of training and rehabilitation centers in Ukraine.
The methodology is based on general principles of philosophy, basic modern provisions of pedagogical science, psychology and reflects the interrelation of methodological approaches to the study of the process of organizing the activity of training rehabilitation centers.
Scientific novelty. Scientific and pedagogical approaches to the organization of activity of educational and rehabilitation centers, which provide elementary and basic secondary education to children with special educational needs, are revealed. The content of the activity of training rehabilitation centers is characterized. The essence of educational activity of the centers is determined. The article supplemented the methodology and tools for further empirical research on aspects of the study of inclusive education in Ukraine.
Conclusions. It is determined that the activity of educational and rehabilitation centers is based on the state educational policy. It is proved that the completion of general secondary education and the provision of correctional and development services in the state and communal centers is provided free of charge. It is emphasized that the main task of educational and rehabilitation centers is to obtain children with special educational needs of primary and basic secondary education. It is proved that the organization of educational process in the center is carried out in accordance with the curriculum and educational program.

Author Biographies

I. Buzhina, State Institution «K.D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Family and Social Pedagogy and Psychology,
State Institution «K.D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University» (Odesa, Ukraine)

S. Hryshchenko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the Department of
Social Work and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Сolehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

M. Imeridze, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences (Odesa, Ukraine)

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences
(Odesa, Ukraine)


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