

social and emotional development, preschool children, children with special educational needs, emotional intelligence, empathy


The purpose of the work is to highlight the issues of development of the emotional sphere of preschool children and the organization of work in this area with children with special educational needs (OOP).
According to the methodology of educational work with preschool children, and in particular, with special educational needs, recommendations on the organization and peculiarities of work on the development of emotional intelligence of children of the specified category are given; the steps to be taken and the pedagogical conditions to be followed in order to work towards developing the emotional intelligence of a preschooler with special educational needs are set out.
The scientific novelty is that for the first time theoretical and practical aspects of work on the development of emotional intelligence of a preschooler with special educational needs have been considered.
The article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature on the selected topic, highlights the scientific achievements of domestic authors. Based on research on this issue, it is concluded that the number of children at so-called «at-risk» is increasing; it is revealed what is meant. The definition of emotional intelligence (EI) is given. Also, the article mentions the concept of «empathy» as a key competence that develops when successful in the development of emotional intelligence. Some aspects of the development of emotional intelligence of children with special educational needs are highlighted. It is emphasized that such work should be carried out only with those children of preschool age (among children with special educational needs) who have preserved intellect. The reasons for which children with certain features in development require special attention, correction of psychological and pedagogical support, in relation to children without such features are identified.
Conclusions have been made regarding the conditions for the effective realization of tasks for the development of emotional intelligence as a component of successful socialization of a child with special educational needs.

Author Biography

N. Volik, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Postgraduate of the Department of Social Work,
Social Pedagogy and Pre-school Education,
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
(Melitopol, Ukraine)


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