

children with special educational needs, psychological and pedagogical support, interdisciplinary team, professional roles of a specialist


The article presents the author's idea of development of the educational course «Psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs» for students of the master's program of specialty 011 Educational and pedagogical sciences of the educational
program «Inclusive Education. Correctional Pedagogy». Creating the educational environment for children with special educational needs depends on the willingness of pedagogical staff to pursue a professional activity in the conditions where the idea of inclusion becomes the part of their professional thinking and their possession of the professional roles. Accordingly, professionals and parents should unite in an interdisciplinary, polysubjective team of psychological and pedagogical support and work together to develop and implement an educational route for this child.
Article's purpose is to reveal the practical significance of the normative educational course «Psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs» in order to master the professional and practical knowledge and skills of a future team member and to organize the psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs in institutions of general secondary and pre-school education.
Methodology. In modern scientific sources the problems of developing the models of the inclusive educational space and organization of the psychological and pedagogical support are presented in the works of V. Bondar, V. Zasenko, V. Hudonis, V. Kobylchenko, A. Kolupaeva,
V. Sinyov, P. Talanchuk, M. Tchaikovsky, L. Shipitsyna. However, there is a noticeable lack of work aimed at developing the technologies for the psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs.
Scientific novelty. This program of educational course may be adapted and applied not only for students of the educational program «Inclusive Education. Correctional Pedagogy», but also for students of all pedagogical faculties. Whereas with the introduction of inclusive education it became necessary to train specialists with a modernized content of the competence approach in the context of restructuring the outlook of teachers, pupils, and parents; implementation of the psychological
and pedagogical support; overcoming the problem of institutionalization of the «inconvenient» for educational institutions of all categories of children and facilitating their inclusion in a full-fledged social and educational environment.
Conclusions. Studying this educational course allows to activate the professional roles of a specialist of inclusive education and correctional pedagogy, to form his ability to be flexible, mobile, to build certain scenarios of the professional situations, which is very important in the team work of the psychological and pedagogical support for children with special needs.

Author Biography

L. Zavatska, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Social Work and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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